Hello and welcome. Included on this site is some of my book for you to read. There are three sections followed by Chapter one which will give you a little taster.

are presently uploaded onto Authonomy.

All card readings are mini readings and at a set cost of £10.
If you wish to send a photograph and/or sample of handwriting for a reading by e-mail there is a donate button and I leave it to you to decide on payment.

Any queries or photographs can be sent to:

Monday, 15 March 2010


I am being very bad at present on updating my blog. The reason for this is the book I am writing is taking up much of my time. I have one book with the literary agents and they are about to send proposals to large publishing houses. I keep my fingers crossed. I know who I would like it to be with as I would like it sold in America also due to the many friends who support me there.

In order for you to have a little taste of what the book is about here is a synopsis, which I had to throw together very quickly. It is not as perfect as I would like, but they'll either like it or they won't. I am a great believer in what is meant to be will happen. I may post a sample chapter on here soon for you to see, but I'm keeping the best bits hidden in order that you'll buy the book when published. As usual, I would love to know your thoughts.

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By Lorraine Holloway-White

This book is about my spiritual awakening from the first realisation something was happening to present day. It tells of the almighty struggle that went on to not only make me an experienced medium, healer and teacher, but also the personal experiences that helped mould me into the person I have now become. Two halves make a whole and my spiritual awakening and personal experiences are the two halves, which have me the whole medium.

My two marriages are talked of together with my near nervous breakdown. How founding and running an international relief aid agency helped save me which meant I went from being able to see no one to mixing with Royalty and Government Ministers.

Discussed are my religious beliefs, the guilt and confusion I had on realising I may be offending God and how I dealt with it. How I tried to talk to priests and religious but found only spiritualists would listen

My first psychic smells, visions and voices, how I learned to deal with them and control it all. The prophecies I received in my automatic writing which spoke of disasters in my country and the world.

Where I went and who I tried to talk to in order to discover what was happening to me. The frauds and charlatans I came across and their peculiar teaching rituals to the truly genuine and naturally gifted healers and mediums who helped me on my path.

I give many examples of my paranormal experiences as they developed. The confusion and undisciplined use of them and the teachings from the world of spirit, who lovingly guided me and taught me all I know now.

No stone is left unturned in my endeavours to find what was happening and what it all meant. I talk about each of these steps on my journey of discovery and I end up by talking of the present day which has led to my books being written in order to help teach and guide others on the same journey without some of the struggles I had to endure.

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Well, that's what the book is about. Hope you think it sounds interesting. The talk I did at the yacht club went down very well. Quite a few asked if I had some books with me as they wanted to buy a copy. How good is that? It must have been alright as they are talking of arranging a special coffee morning with me coming back to do a specialised talk with a question and answer session. I am hoping to do a lot more of these talks and as soon as I am able shall set about making it happen.

A friend of mine is going to help and she already has a freelance press officer lined up who wants to work with me and a photographer. I am determined to make this as successful as my charity work was and will do whatever is asked of my by my agent to ensure the book sells worldwide. Spread the word as I need a lot more followers on Facebook as fans. I am on there under the same name as here. Please add me as a friend and ask anyone you know who is interested in mediumship or healing to follow also. Thanks and I look forward to hearing from you.
Lorraine xx

Tuesday, 2 March 2010


I cannot believe this is happening to me. It is bad enough trying to come to terms with the fact that I am now classed as an author, but to think I am now signed with a literary agent that's batting for me makes it even more real. Everything is happening so quickly. It was only in November that I put my book on Authonomy, a site run by Harper Collins for aspiring writers. In just 2 months, I had 2 agents contact me, both of whom I wasn't interested in, and then I sent my first three chapters to, Osborne Porter at someone's recommendation. Within four days, they asked for the whole manuscript. Five weeks later, here we are signing on the dotted line!

How can this be happening to me so quickly? As you all know, last year I had my hysterectomy after the other operation hadn't worked. It was during this recovery time that I sat at the computer for hours trying to keep occupied in my boredom. Hence the book. A lot of it had been written before and I had to finish it post haste once the whole manuscript was requested, but goodness, what a change it has made to my life at the moment.

Authonomy is what you make of it and I, for one, have found it a marvellous place to be. There are so many wonderful people on there who show no sign of bitterness or jealousy at other success stories or good news. In fact, the opposite is true. They are so encouraging and helpful that I truly feel blessed to have become a part of it. Like all walks of life, there are one or two who like to cause upset in the forums, but quite frankly, that can be quite entertaining at times. On the whole, I would recommend Authonomy to anyone wishing to start off on a writing career.

The fact I have a literary agent now working for me and my book by no means guarantees publication. For all I know, the publishing houses may hate what they see. On the other hand, it could be grabbed quickly. That is the thing with writing, one never knows and the waiting game can be dreadful. I am so lucky that I have yet to experience that long waiting game. I've been warned that could well be about to start though.

For now, I have to market myself. Easier said than done in some ways. Oh yes, I can do talks and get myself known by doing the circuit of lots of different clubs, dinners, luncheons and things, but and it's a big but. What if I do all of this and then no one wants my book. I'll look a right wally! Or will I? No, I don't think I will. I have already achieved something quite outstanding. I have been disciplined enough to write a whole book. I have then marketed that book(for want of a better term) on Authonomy. It has been thought worthy enough to attract the attention of a literary agent who has faith in it and me. No, even if the book isn't published, I will not feel a fool. I shall feel proud of what I have managed so far.

My first talk is at a ladies dinner this coming Friday. I am so looking forward to it. I was informed yesterday that as I am talking at the dinner, they have informed the press! How funny. Better try and make it a good one then hadn't I! Let's hope this is the start of something good for me. I am already two thirds of the way through another book, but have ideas for a third. The third may well take the place of the one I've already started. Time will tell. For now things are happening at a quite rapid pace for the literary world and I am just enjoying going with the flow.

For those who haven't seen this blog before, there is a small sample of my book on an earlier post. As the heading of this blog would imply, it is about mediumship and healing. I do readings online all over the world, but that may stop soon as I get busier and need to start my next book. I shall keep you posted on any news about what happens next, but be prepared for a long wait - I am!

Lorraine x
